Preschool Curriculum
Holy Ghost Lutheran School’s curriculum integrates Christian faith and the Common Core Standards.
Discovery and exploration are keys as we embrace being a little learner. Through the use of themes, children engage in many different experiences as they learn about the world that God created around them. Using a variety of activities (indoor and outdoor), children will explore math, literacy, science, creative representation, music, and social skills.
At Holy Ghost Lutheran Preschool, we will strive to share the love of Christ in all that we do, as well as:
- Provide a pleasant social and developmental experience in a classroom setting
- Promote a healthy attitude toward school and group activities
- Encourage creative expression
- Offer activities for developmental growth
- Build self-confidence through experiential opportunities
- Encourage self-control
- Provide faith building opportunities
By the end of the school year, our goal is that each child will:
- Have acquired age appropriate social skills
- Demonstrate proper use of all classroom supplies and materials (including but not limited to; scissors, glue, paints, writing materials, etc.)
- Have acquired many of the pre-reading and writing skills necessary for the four year old program and beyond, such as recognizing name in print and letter (and sound) recognition.
- Know that Jesus loves them
The Preschool curriculum at Holy Ghost is taught thematically. Incorporated into each theme are lessons pertaining to each of the following areas:
- Bible stories, activities & crafts
- Math activities
- Science experiences
- Art and Music activities
- Emergent Literacy lessons
- Physical activities in the classroom (ie. slide, parachute, tumble mats), & outdoors playground
God is our friend. He loves us. We can respond to God’s love by praying and showing God’s love to each other. We will listen to stories from the bible and sing songs in praise to God. Students will also take part in group worship opportunities.
Our religion curriculum from Concordia Publishing House is One is Christ. Preschoolers daily participate in Jesus Time or Chapel.
Children are encouraged to develop their social skills in a healthy way as they navigate their way throughout the day. They are encouraged to share and communicate their thoughts to peers, as well as, to adults in the classroom . Great emphasis is placed on opportunities to practice these skills in the classroom. This stage of development is a critical time for developing empathy and self-regulation. Independence in care for self in tasks such as dressing and cleaning is nurtured.
Children are exposed to a variety of literature including nursery rhymes, poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. Writing materials are available to develop pre-writing skills and to understand that print carries a message. This also helps to create fluency in sentence structure by building vocabulary. Comprehension and speaking skills are developed through the use of text, group discussion, following oral directions, and taking turns at circle time. Peer communication is encouraged in all play areas.
Children are naturally curious and have a built-in desire to learn first-hand about the world around them. They want to make sense out of things and find out how they work. Math concepts are taught throughout the themes that we teach as well as using practical application throughout our everyday activities. Math concepts such as patterning, graphing, calendar, sorting, measuring, and counting are taught.
The children are encouraged to develop their sense of wonder and to make observations and predictions while exploring different materials to discover God’s world around them.
Preschoolers have opportunities to create with a variety of art medium. Children are encouraged to create their own unique pieces when painting, sculpting, coloring, and expressing themselves through their work. The emphasis is on the process rather than the product.
Music is explored through the use of rhythm instruments, movement, and music enjoyment. The students are offered opportunities to perform throughout the year during worship and seasonal concerts.
Large motor skills are developed with classroom games and movement activities that include running, hopping, galloping, marching, balancing, ball skills, parachute, bean bag activities, and group games. Fine motor activities include lacing, stringing, art, and other manipulatives to develop muscles.