New School Uniform Information

Holy Ghost is Partnering with French Toast
French Toast has a wide selection of uniform pieces and will serve as our online store for purchase of all of our uniform pieces for Holy Ghost students and families. Families will create an account at French Toast and will complete all purchases through that account. We hope you will find it a simple process. Please use the tabs in the section below to learn more!
First, You can access our school’s store by using this link:
This will be our exclusive school store. This is the place to start every time you want to place an order! (You might want to bookmark it!)
At the bottom of the page, sign up for emails so you get all the sale alerts, special deals, etc.
Let’s break it down:
- Each student MUST wear items from our school store. This link will show all the possible choices. There are headings for each section based on age and gender.
- Each student is REQUIRED to have BOTH the long sleeve and short sleeve red Holy Ghost Logo’d polo shirts. (you may want to have enough to get through the days of the week)
- Students may choose any of the pants, skirts, etc listed in their category to be worn on the bottom!
- The Holy Ghost Logo is only required on the red required polos. Other items may have the logo added if you would like.
Uniform pieces come in both youth and adult sizes.
Please use this link for more sizing information:
or use this document to help: French Toast Schoolbox How to Measure_English
Here is the quick access link to our exclusive school store:
Here is our official school code: QS5DUUB
Holy Ghost is offering assistance for families that are experiencing a hardship due to the initial implementation of the uniform policy.
Please print and complete the form below and submit to the school office by JULY 20th!
Uniform Hardship Application.docx
Families will be notified of awards in about a week.