Covid 19 – Important Information for Church Gathering

COVID-19 Update: In response to Governor Hochul’s recent announcement concerning masks and the increased number of COVID-19 cases, we highly encourage each adult and each child over two years of age to wear a face covering when attending services at our church.  Those with bonafide medical reasons need not wear a face covering.   Thank you.

We urge anyone who does not feel comfortable or who has health concerns to stay home. If you are sick or have a fever, please stay at home. You can watch the Service of the Word from our website or call 205-885-9011 to listen to the recording over your phone. If you are not comfortable being at services right now, please know you are loved and understood. No one needs to feel compelled to attend until you are ready.

Please contact us if you have any questions for concerns. Email – [email protected] or [email protected]